Blog post 9

 I personally enjoy being a distance learner more than being in person. I work two jobs outside of being a full time student so I find it easier to complete my work on my own time given my current schedule. I also like the flexibility that I can complete my course work any where and at any time. I find this is more beneficial for me to leave room for emergencies or if one class has more work than others. When class is in person it become more rigid and provides a much less forgiving schedule. 

An OER or open education resource, is a very convenient and helpful for educators. This type of resource is information that is available to everyone and can be manipulated or altered to best suit the individual using it. This is incredibly helpful for educators as a lot of information in the world requires rights or access to use, meaning it is restricted or not easily available. If a tool is open it is available to all without having specific access or permission.

This is a link to an article on how open education resources are closing the learning gap in education. 

The two power point presentations were a great challenge for me. Not only was I almost completely inept of the required skills but the length of the assignment was also challenging. The lack of prior skills means I learned a lot of new things from both of these assignments. The second assignment for the interactive power point more so than the first. From the first assignment I learned how to voice over my slides and add audio. I could use this skill in my other classes that are also remote. For the second assignment I learned how to hyperlink items on slides to move to other slides not in the linear order. This would be very useful if giving a presentation to a job or coworkers so they could navigate at their own pace. 


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